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Select Board Meeting Minutes 7/26/17
Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 7/26/17

Meeting Opened at: 3pm
Select Board Members Present: Steve Weisz, Chairperson, Carol Edelman and Kenneth Basler

Also in attendance: Ray Tryon, Julio Rodriguez, Valerie Zantay, Justin Cole, Mary Erickson, Stephenie Gosselin, Jackie Erickson, Heather Kowalski, BJ Johnson, George Cain, Stan Ross, Tom Scanlon, Jeff Gendron,

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:
  • Julio Rodriguez updated the Board on all the Parks Dept has been working on including but not limited to placing new handicap accessible picnic tables in Green Park and 2 additional kayak racks at Lake Garfield.
  • The Board discussed the decreasing milfoil in Lake Garfield.
  • Valerie Zantay came in to express her frustration with the post office and not being able to use “Monterey 01230” on her mail as Egremont, New Marlborough and Mill River do (her street is private).  Unfortunately the federal regulations are outside of the Board’s jurisdiction, but Kenn offered to send a letter to the postmaster in Hartford, CT as they have jurisdiction over our area.
  • The Board met with the new Director of the Bidwell House, Heather Kowalski.
  • The Board re-signed the library MOU.
  • M. Noe at the request of the Director of Operations informed the Board that lead & asbestos testing of the Monterey School will cost about $1,250+/-.  A motion was made to use a part of the $10,000 allocated by the town to test for asbestos and lead.  The motion was seconded.  Discussion ensued which included a suggestion from the audience to have someone come and make an unofficial report as the town would only have 120 days to remediate after learning there is lead or asbestos.  The Board will speak with the Building Inspector to find out if this is the case.
  • The Board approved the one day beer and wine permit for the annual Fire Company Steak Roast.
  • Steve reported on the $800,000 CDBG grant Monterey received last week which was written by Boyd and Associates at no cost.
  • Steve reported there has been some movement on the 2nd cell tower.  The applicant is working on the required performance bond and it is expected that the permit will be issued in early August.
  • Steve reported that he spoke with the Building Inspector who has agreed to post additional office hours from 8 – 9am on Fridays.
  • Carol reported on the informal meeting with parents of school age children this past Saturday regarding educational opportunities and the SBRSD.  Carol will write up a summary for distribution.  
  • Warrants were signed.
  • Minutes from 7/19/17 were approved.
  • Administrative Assistant’s weekly report was reviewed.
  • Police Chief’s weekly report was reviewed.
At 4pm the Board met with Scanlon & Associates, Baystate Municipal Accounting Group and the Finance Committee to discuss the FY16 audit report.  Scanlon reviewed the areas that need improvement/had adverse opinions which could pose issues when going out for bonds and grants.  Baystate Municipal Accounting is investigating the treasurer cash and reconciliation issues for the last 2 fiscal years (approximately 80-100 hours of work) and establish procedures.  Everyone expressed their satisfaction with the professionalism to date of Baystate Municipal Accounting Group and believes that hiring these professionals with have a substantial impact in getting our books in order.  Scanlon plans to come back in May/June to perform the FY17 audit and then in Sept/Oct for the FY18 audit.  It is anticipated that the town will need to pay additional monies to Baystate Municipal Accounting Group to do the necessary forensic work above and beyond what we contracted for.  Justin will get us quotes.

At 4:55pm the Board met with our financial team from Baystate Municipal Accounting Group.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 5:16pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk